I'm sure from the picture your already thinking *&$#@!! and my first reaction was the same! Mojowijo apparently had a different outlook! For some reason this company figured targeting Nintendo Wii Users with a product that makes shoving a wiimote into whatever body orphises more pleasurable...?
I wouldnt expect to find an official seal of Quality from nintendo on this product but needless to say the stranges part is it dosent even use the wii itself to work..nope it uses the Bluetooth function on your PC. So my question is.. wiimote $30 and extension $?, why would someone go out of their way to take this alternative? Have these people ever been to an adult shop with walls lined in vibrators? I just think not only is it deplorable to use a childrens video game remote for such activities (The Vibrating R.O.B Was not done intentionally by Nintendo!) Not to mention the people that have these sort of things lying around their house most likely already have something thats plastic and vibrates for that purpose and don't need another object they have to wonder if they already washed before handing to their children!
If your interested in knowing more or being a beta tester you can check it out here: http://www.mojowijo.com/
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