Thursday, September 9, 2010

umm Didn't think it would ever go this far but it did!

I'm sure from the picture your already thinking *&$#@!! and my first reaction was the same! Mojowijo apparently had a different outlook! For some reason this company figured targeting Nintendo Wii Users with a product that makes shoving a wiimote into whatever body orphises more pleasurable...?

I wouldnt expect to find an official seal of Quality from nintendo on this product but needless to say the stranges part is it dosent even use the wii itself to work..nope it uses the Bluetooth function on your PC. So my question is.. wiimote $30 and extension $?, why would someone go out of their way to take this alternative? Have these people ever been to an adult shop with walls lined in vibrators? I just think not only is it deplorable to use a childrens video game remote for such activities (The Vibrating R.O.B Was not done intentionally by Nintendo!) Not to mention the people that have these sort of things lying around their house most likely already have something thats plastic and vibrates for that purpose and don't need another object they have to wonder if they already washed before handing to their children!

If your interested in knowing more or being a beta tester you can check it out here:

PS3 Finally Hacked!!!!

Well Folks amazingly..or not.. It has finally been done! The Ps3 was cracked! After all the lawsuits and money spent in effort of Sony to prevent it's users of gaining access to the system, the hackers did in fact prevail.

So what is it? Well its a Firmware that is still in early stages that is used through a programmable Teensy USB Board, with the firmware users are given the ability to:
- Back-Up Blu Ray/DVD discs
- Run Back up Blu Ray Game discs
- Back Up The Game Discs to Hard Drive
- Run Hombrew Software

So yeah it's been a week since the news hit and Teensy Boards are far into backorder at this point so for most its a matter of waiting till a more user friendly option is released. As of This week Sony did manage to release a new firmware update to block the mod but the door is already open :)

So without getting to technicall on the mod it wasnt the Micro cell CPU that was hacked or the blu Ray drive for that matter it was Sony's software they were so proud of, It's only so long befor e they would find the unlocked door, and though Sony may have closed that the hack teams now know where to look to find the next in the meantime firmware 3.42 was released blocking the hack, so if you decide not to update or have a system fw prior you can still run unassigned code but lose access to the PSN. Free games vs. crappy online network...hmmm tough choice

Friday, May 7, 2010

iPad running SNES emulator, controlled by Wii-mote

This is nuts! good Video and Everything Check it out here

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Time To Throw Down!!!

I am throwing down the challenge for the Coolest looking Xbox As I will be challenging my friend Chase to see who can make the best damn looking Xbox, he recently decided to get one and mod it, taking interest and lack of modding projects I decided I will pull out mine and see How much damn cooler I can make mine look!
(btw the pic is not of my xbox)

Gamecubes Finally running backups

Ok so I know its older info but I finally got 4 cubes running back-ups one of them fully modded and the others with SD Media Launcher.

Though this proccess was more of a pain than i could have ever imagined, They make it seem so easy but the GC Laser is picker about its media than i am with my food and that means pretty damn picky!!!

I had troubles wondering if something was wrong with the chip but after a good amount of time I came to find that every cube laser has to be adjusted differently in order to read learning that my Viper Extreme install was a success I just didnt have the frequency right and I wasnt using the right media.

so heres What I figured out

1.Gamecube (Rev a) 164 ohmz - Verbatim, Ridata Ritek

2.Gamecube (Rev b) 34 ohms - Verbatim, Ridata Ritek

3.Gamecube (Rev c) 270 ohmz - Verbatim, Ridata Ritek

4.Panasonic Q (? ohms) - Ridata Ritek

I had also Tried, Memorex, Fuji Film, Sony, Tdk with no luck whatsoever So if your working on a cube I suggest a modchip to make it easier than having to reboot the media loader disc and burn to RIDATA media and just leave the case open test the disc turn the Pot slightly, then try again repeating this proccess till it works! Also finding the emulators to work with a modchip directly off the disc is a pain in the ass so if you have the extra cash (19.99) I would buy the SD media launcher just for the memory card with the SD adapter to make things easier.